A debt consolidation loan combines all of your debts into one manageable personal loan, typically saving you on interest costs. It can also help you manage your repayments more easily and help you to get out of debt sooner. We will discuss with you about your requirements and provide debt consolidation loan options along with repayments that are suitable to your needs. Once you decide to proceed with a suitable product, we will prepare the application in consultation with you and seek Lender’s approval so that you can fulfil your vision.
It is also possible to consolidate your debt such as your credit cards, personal loans and other debt into your home mortgage when refinancing an existing home loan, so that all your debt is managed through one monthly repayment at home mortgage loan interest rate. As those debts are now paid over a longer period, it will incur additional loan interest.
At Viable Finance, we will explain the overall costs and benefits prior to taking this action, so that you can decide on the structure of the loan to minimise cost and whether a debt consolidation loan fit your needs.